Sunday, January 30, 2011

We’re Pregnant!

It was so fun revealing our news to family and friends.  I wanted to wait until we were 10 weeks pregnant to begin telling people, and Christmas was close enough.  For Christmas, I wrapped up bibs that said, “Grandpa Loves Me,” and “If Mommy Says No, Ask Grandma.”  I also included an ultrasound picture of our tiny pea.
When Michael’s parents opened the last present under the tree, they were a little confused about the bibs until they read them and saw the picture.  Then, there were tears of joy.  Uncle Joe and Uncle Jacob were happy too.

When my parents opened their present, their expressions were classic!  Uncle Jason, Aunt Traci, and Aunt Beka gave us hugs and congratulations.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Rewind... IC Diagnosis

Let me back up a little, and tell you about the beginning of my whole IC experience.

In November of my senior year of high school I began feeling like I had to go to the bathroom all the time (even after I went).  Urgency is the main symptom of a bladder infection, so that is what my gynecologist treated me for.  I experienced no relief.  Then, my doctor treated me for a yeast infection.  Wrong again.  Next, she wanted to do a pregnancy test.  That was just offensive.  I felt like the doctor didn't have a clue.  She could have diagnosed me with a broken toe, sprayed some Windex on it, and we'd have made just as much progress with my diagnosis. 

After that, I saw a urologist who told me I have an overactive bladder.  He actually said, "On the day God handed out bladders, you just got a bad one."  Wow! Is that even medically accurate?... NO!  His comment was based on the fact that I had a lot of urinary tract infections when I was little, but I had surgery when I was six to correct that.  I was a little relieved to have the "overactive bladder" diagnosis, because now I had an excuse for being late to classes.  (I had to go to the restroom between every single class and sometimes during class.)

Stop number three was the urologist who did my surgery when I was six.  He too, was stumped. 

Stop number four, another gynecologist.  She was stumped, but helpful because she referred me to Dr. Lapin in Houston's medical center. 

In February, the fifth doctor I saw was Dr. Lapin.  He performed a medical procedure called a hydrodistention with cystoscopy and a biopsy.  During the procedure, I was asleep while the doctor filled my bladder to its maximum capacity.  Then, he took pictures that revealed that the lining of my bladder was thin and irritable.  It also had pin-point bleeding.  The hydrodistention and biopsy ruled out many other problems, but it also pointed directly towards Interstitial Cystitis.  At last!  We knew something was truly medically wrong with me; I wasn't crazy!

After the diagnosis, I realized I'd probably be seeing a urologist more frequently for treatment.  Therefore, I felt that I'd be more comfortable with a female doctor.  Dr. Lapin recommended Dr. Delhey.  She has been wonderful!  We started out with just one treatment at a time, trying to figure out what works for me.  After perusing MANY options, we discovered that the best prescriptions for me were: Elmiron (the only drug specifically designed to treat IC), Elavil (a mild anti-depressant to relieve stress and pressure on my bladder), and Ultracet as needed (a strong pain reliever).  Now that I am expecting, I only take Elmiron and Tylenol.

Throughout four months of uncertainty and six doctors, my parents were very persistent in finding someone who could help me.  I don’t know what I would have done if they didn’t research, schedule appointments, and take me to all those doctors.  Thank you Mama and Daddy for being my advocates!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Why Cherries Jubilee?

Just in case you're wondering, I chose the name "Cherries Jubilee" for several reasons:
1.) A baby in the womb is often compared to a fruit to help us understand the size.  Our baby was once as tiny as a cherry in my belly.
2.) I crave "Cherries Jubilee" protein mix (and it doesn't make me ill!).
3.) The word "jubilee" represents this joyful season of our lives.

Two Lines!

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010 was one of the happiest days of my life.  My home pregnancy test finally revealed a positive result!  (I say finally because it took a few months of trying... not abnormal, but I was anxious.)

I woke up before Michael and quietly took the test.  Standing over the bathroom counter, I stared at that pee stick for three minutes, waiting for two solid lines to appear.  Once they did, I was in disbelief, so I reread the instructions.  The manual was very clear about the meaning of two solid lines = pregnant!  I quietly giggled, cried, and jumped up and down.  Then, I quickly got dressed and got the dogs dressed.  I turned on the bedroom light to awake my baby daddy.  He looked down at our dogs and read their shirts, "Mama's Pregnant!"  He asked, "Really?"  I showed him the test, and he smiled and gave me a huge hug.  That was the moment we knew we had entered a new chapter of our lives together.

That evening, Michael arrived home from work before me.  When I walked through the door, dinner was on the stove and flowers were on the table.  I love my man!