Monday, July 16, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday, Karis!

Karis’s 12 month check-up felt like a celebration.  The doctor was pleased with her language development and motor skills.  His only concern was weight (surprise), and he suggested we give her whole milk in addition to the almond milk that she’s been drinking.  He’d like her to gain one pound.  The doctor also wants us to work harder to enforce the use of a sippy cup instead of a bottle.  I’m not concerned about that.  I’ll keep offering her sippy cup every day, but Karis will use it when she’s ready.  She does drink her juice from a sippy, but she likes her milk in a bottle.  Karis cried for her four vaccinations, but she was fine for the remainder of the day.  Big girl! 

Karis is 28 ½ inches tall and in the 30th percentile.  She weighs 17 pounds, 14 ounces and is in the 15th percentile. 

Karis’s new skills: 
stands independently
can take two steps
signs correctly: more, eat, milk
locates belly button and nose
pushes chairs and toys across the room while standing

Karis had a blast at her birthday party.  The guests were also entertained by her silly antics.

Playing with friends, Holly and Caleb
Daddy and his Birthday Girl
GIRLY cupcakes

Breaking in the New Toys
Party's Over; Time to get Crazy!

Sunday, July 8, 2012


The top, middle teeth have started coming in by now. Here's a picture that was taken a couple weeks ago. You can see Karis's fangs well! Her Uncle Jacob gave her some good tickles, and he got this great photo.
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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Active Fetus

When I woke up this morning I was holding my tummy, and it hurt. I suddenly had an overwhelming feeling, "something is wrong." Throughout the day, God continually assured me that He's got this pregnancy in His hands. All day, I have felt my baby wiggle a lot. Ah, it's so comforting and exciting!

(Quick update, so I'll remember if I'm pregnant again in the future: I'm @ 17 weeks and I just started experiencing Braxton Hicks a couple times per day.)
By the way: Happy 4th of July from Karis!