WARNING!!! This post may be TMI, but keep in mind, the purpose is to inform IC patients about my personal experiences with pregnancy. STOP reading if you’d rather not know my personal details.
At my preconception checkup, I asked my OB lots of questions, including, “What if this takes a while? When can we find out if my husband or I have fertility problems?” She told me to try for a year and come back if we are unsuccessful. A year?! I’m way too impatient for that.
I immediately began researching conception. I also printed a wonderful chart from thebump.com. This helped me keep track of every little detail about my cycle including: start, finish, ovulation days, temperature, soreness, cramping, love-making days, etc. I bought an inexpensive “basal body temperature” thermometer from the grocery store. In addition to the chart, I kept track of all of these using 2 different apps on my phone. (I know… a little obsessive) The apps told me my fertile days and the best days to try to conceive.
Well, obviously books, charts, and apps won’t get a person pregnant! It was time for Hubby’s favorite part, getting busy. I read that when trying to conceive, after a session of love-making you should try to just lie down for 10-15 minutes (please don’t make me explain why). That was difficult! IC patients are prone to infection. To prevent infections, cleanliness is key. After trying to conceive, I wanted to jump up, go the bathroom, and take a bath to relieve that usual pain. There were many times that I think we may have missed out on fertilization because I could not lie there. I’d just say, “Oh well; next month.” However, some people don’t think it matters whether or not you lie down for a while or get up right away.
A person with IC has to take advantage of the good days and rest on the bad days, but that was difficult when a chart was telling me exactly which days I must make-love. I found myself, once again saying, “Oh well; next month” when I was experiencing too much discomfort to try to conceive. I hate to tell you this, but by the fourth month, I was just desperate to get pregnant already; so, I had to fight through the pain on those bad IC days.
Yikes! I really hate to end a post in this discouraging way, but I’m being honest. Trying to conceive was not simple, and it took time. Both partners have to be understanding, and sacrifices have to be made. Keep reading to learn about the rewards Michael and I are already experiencing…