I knew that my pregnancy would affect my Interstitial Cystitis, and luckily it really wasn’t that bad. However, I figured that once I had my kid, my IC would either improve or just return to the way it was before I got pregnant. Wrong!
Lately, I have been aware of my IC every day. It’s not horrible, but it is there. I explained to my doctor what is going on, and she told me that since I am breastfeeding, I am still experiencing hormonal changes that cause dryness. I asked her if it is safe to continue Elmiron (only drug on the market for controlling IC symptoms). She said it’s up to me. There has not been enough research to approve or disapprove of it for nursing mothers. I have no idea what risk I’m putting Karis under if I continue taking Elmiron. However, Elmiron has been approved for pregnancy, so I assume it’s safe for nursing. Karis’s pediatrician asked me to only take it when I need it. The problem is that Elmiron takes a couple of days to get into the system. It was designed to be taken daily for pain management. For now, I am taking it every day (except for today, I forgot, oops).
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