When Karis was a newborn, I did not swaddle her during the day, because I wanted her to save some sleep for night time. At about two months, she was really cranky and would not nap during the day. That's when she began napping in her swaddle or Moby wrap. I've read articles that say you shouldn't swaddle past two months. Oddly, that's when we began swaddling. I guess I just do things backwards.
Karis in her "Miracle Blanket" |
Karis is almost 8 months old and still sleeping in her swaddle blanket. I haven't wanted to wean her from it, because she likes the comfort. I've jokingly said, "I'm going to have to go to her first slumber party to swaddle her." However, about a week ago she started rolling all over her crib, even with her arms and legs tucked nicely in the swaddle blanket. (It's an amazing acrobatic show!) I wake up in the middle of the night feeling very nervous that she'll end up face down or pressed against the bumper pad and suffocate. I decided this week that we HAVE TO wean Karis from the swaddle blanket. I anticipated a slow and difficult month of weaning. However, it's been less than a week, and Karis is already doing great with just one arm swaddled for bedtime and naps. I'll let her get used to this for a while, then we'll unswaddle both arms.
Baby Surveillance - One Arm Out |
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