Thursday, May 31, 2012


It's true! We're expecting baby number two!
Michael, Karis, and I are excited to add a new member to our family.  His or her estimated due date is December 13, 2012.
Ultrasound at 5 weeks
The baby is hardly big enough to see.
Q and A
Q: Was this planned!? A: Yes.  Michael and I both enjoyed growing up with siblings close in age, so we thought we'd plan our family the same way.
Q: Aren't you breastfeeding?  I thought you couldn't get pregnant?  A: Some women don't start their menstrual cycle while breastfeeding, and therefore, they can't get pregnant.  Once I dropped Karis's night time feeding, I started my cycle and was able to get pregnant.
Q: How far apart will Karis and baby be?  A: 17 months
Q: How are you feeling?  A: Great!  I had a lot of nausea at the beginning, but no throwing up.  I also had some cramping from a cyst, but I hardly notice it now.
Q: Are you crazy?  A: Of course!  :)  Anyone who knows me well knows that I love children, and I've always dreamed of raising my own.  It will be hard at first, but it will be fun.  Plus, we are very blessed with a lot of support from family, friends, and our community.  Also, once our kids are in school, I look forward to going back to teaching.
Ultrasound at 9 Weeks and 4 Days
This pregnancy is similar to my pregnancy with Karis because I didn't gain weight during the first trimester, urgency is bad, and I'm exhausted all the time.
It's different because during the first trimester with Karis I had no appetite.  This time, I'm always hungry and craving anything with cheese (nachos mostly).  With Karis I threw up a lot in the mornings, but I haven't experienced that yet.

Here we go again...

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