Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Vampire Baby is 10 Months Old

Karis is 10 months old today.  Happy birthday, baby girl.

When she was a fetus, I used to say, "This kid is a vampire.  She's sucking the life out of me."  Well, today I discovered evidence that shows she really is a vampire.  Karis was in her swing giggling like crazy.  Giggle time is the only opportunity I have to see Karis's upper gums.  Today, I noticed two teeth coming down, fangs!  I'm not sure how I missed this.  Clearly, these teeth did not just sprout during the last couple days.  They've been there at least a week.  Now, Karis has a total of four teeth:  two lower central, and two upper cuspids (had to look that one up).  I wish I had a picture to share, but like I said, it's hard to get a glimpse of Karis's upper gums.  I'll work on that.

Karis has improved on her skills since my last blog.  She is "cruising" along furniture a little more, and she will (very cautiously) move from the ottoman to couch.  Cheerios really encourage her walking development.

In the eating department, Karis is busy!  One day I gave her some chunks of avocado from my salad.  After that, she didn't want pureed food anymore.  She wants to feed herself.  Karis still eats pureed food sometimes, but she mostly eats table food: mango, pear, banana, peas, carrots, beans, crackers, ... really anything.
Eating a Chunk of Pear
(Mommy doesn't want to change my clothes 100 times per day, so she just  takes them off for breakfast.)
She's also getting great at peek-a-boo.  She likes to put her Easter basket over her head and pull it off to get Mommy to say "Boo!"  

Karis LOVES to read books.  When I'm trying to get some chores done, she often cries for me to come join her on the living room rug.  Reading books calms her immediately.  She's good at turning the pages of her board books.
Reading with Mae Mae
I look forward to the day when Karis can dress herself, but for now, I can count on her ability to UNdress herself.  When I got her from her crib after today's nap, she had taken her pants off.  Oh boy.
Swimming at the Big Pool
We love our silly girl!

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