Thursday, May 31, 2012


It's true! We're expecting baby number two!
Michael, Karis, and I are excited to add a new member to our family.  His or her estimated due date is December 13, 2012.
Ultrasound at 5 weeks
The baby is hardly big enough to see.
Q and A
Q: Was this planned!? A: Yes.  Michael and I both enjoyed growing up with siblings close in age, so we thought we'd plan our family the same way.
Q: Aren't you breastfeeding?  I thought you couldn't get pregnant?  A: Some women don't start their menstrual cycle while breastfeeding, and therefore, they can't get pregnant.  Once I dropped Karis's night time feeding, I started my cycle and was able to get pregnant.
Q: How far apart will Karis and baby be?  A: 17 months
Q: How are you feeling?  A: Great!  I had a lot of nausea at the beginning, but no throwing up.  I also had some cramping from a cyst, but I hardly notice it now.
Q: Are you crazy?  A: Of course!  :)  Anyone who knows me well knows that I love children, and I've always dreamed of raising my own.  It will be hard at first, but it will be fun.  Plus, we are very blessed with a lot of support from family, friends, and our community.  Also, once our kids are in school, I look forward to going back to teaching.
Ultrasound at 9 Weeks and 4 Days
This pregnancy is similar to my pregnancy with Karis because I didn't gain weight during the first trimester, urgency is bad, and I'm exhausted all the time.
It's different because during the first trimester with Karis I had no appetite.  This time, I'm always hungry and craving anything with cheese (nachos mostly).  With Karis I threw up a lot in the mornings, but I haven't experienced that yet.

Here we go again...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Vampire Baby is 10 Months Old

Karis is 10 months old today.  Happy birthday, baby girl.

When she was a fetus, I used to say, "This kid is a vampire.  She's sucking the life out of me."  Well, today I discovered evidence that shows she really is a vampire.  Karis was in her swing giggling like crazy.  Giggle time is the only opportunity I have to see Karis's upper gums.  Today, I noticed two teeth coming down, fangs!  I'm not sure how I missed this.  Clearly, these teeth did not just sprout during the last couple days.  They've been there at least a week.  Now, Karis has a total of four teeth:  two lower central, and two upper cuspids (had to look that one up).  I wish I had a picture to share, but like I said, it's hard to get a glimpse of Karis's upper gums.  I'll work on that.

Karis has improved on her skills since my last blog.  She is "cruising" along furniture a little more, and she will (very cautiously) move from the ottoman to couch.  Cheerios really encourage her walking development.

In the eating department, Karis is busy!  One day I gave her some chunks of avocado from my salad.  After that, she didn't want pureed food anymore.  She wants to feed herself.  Karis still eats pureed food sometimes, but she mostly eats table food: mango, pear, banana, peas, carrots, beans, crackers, ... really anything.
Eating a Chunk of Pear
(Mommy doesn't want to change my clothes 100 times per day, so she just  takes them off for breakfast.)
She's also getting great at peek-a-boo.  She likes to put her Easter basket over her head and pull it off to get Mommy to say "Boo!"  

Karis LOVES to read books.  When I'm trying to get some chores done, she often cries for me to come join her on the living room rug.  Reading books calms her immediately.  She's good at turning the pages of her board books.
Reading with Mae Mae
I look forward to the day when Karis can dress herself, but for now, I can count on her ability to UNdress herself.  When I got her from her crib after today's nap, she had taken her pants off.  Oh boy.
Swimming at the Big Pool
We love our silly girl!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

9 Month Check-up Update

I said I'd update you after Karis's 9 month appointment with her pediatrician.  I've put this update off, because unlike usual, we didn't have a happy visit.  Usually I'm excited to report all her new stats to you.  This time, Doc had some concerns.

Here are her current stats:
Head Circumference: 16.5 inches/10th percentile
Length: 27 inches/25th percentile
Weight: 15 lb. 12 oz. /5th percentile (I read one chart that said 10th)

Karis's head and length continue to grow at a steady pace.  Her weight, on the other hand, is increasing very slowly.  If Karis had always been in the 5th percentile, the doctor would be fine with her staying that way, but since her percentile continues to decline, that causes concern.  Doc said, "Let's wait until her one year appointment to make a decision."  I quickly responded, "I don't want to wait.  This has been a concern at her last several appointments.  If she is malnourished, I don't want to continue to starve her.  I'm worried that my milk supply is too low."  He suggested weighing K before and after feedings to see how much milk she is getting.  He also increased her solid meals from 2 to 3 per day. 

A couple of days after the appointment, Doc called Michael at 7:30 in the morning.  I was worried immediately, because usually the doctor's office calls me.  Doc informed Michael that Karis's blood count came back showing that Karis has elevated liver enzymes.  He will see her in a month to retest.  I did some research and came to two conclusions. 
1.) The medication that I take for IC, Elmiron can cause liver problems, so maybe it was affecting her.  Decision: as long as I am nursing or pregnant, I will never take Elmiron.
2.) I read some scary things on the Internet, but the one that sounds most probable: low weight and malnourishment can cause an elevation of liver enzymes.  When weight and nourishment improves, the liver heals quickly.

So, I increased Karis's solid meals immediately.  I also tried supplementing with soy formula, but Karis threw it up the first time.  After doing a weight check, we learned that Karis was getting 5 ounces of milk during her first feeding and 2 ounces during the others.  Yikes!  She is supposed to get 6 - 8 ounces per feeding.  I tried some regular formula, and Karis did well with that, but we want to be careful with the milk, since Michael has a milk allergy.  This dilemma has left me stressed, worried, and panicky.  What kind of formula am I supposed to give her?  How much?  When?  How much is this going to cost?  Is breastfeeding really coming to an end?

After much prayer and research, my worry has calmed, and we have a good plan for baby K.  Research shows that breastfed babies slow down on weight gain after about 3 months, and this tends to alarm doctors.  Often, they recommend that mothers supplement or stop breastfeeding all together.  No way am I going to stop breastfeeding.  If I've still got some milk, why stop?  I am slowly introducing organic soy formula.  Karis is doing well... hopefully Doc will agree in a few weeks. 
Tiny Cutester in her Toy Box