Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Just a few days after finding out that we were having a girl, our friends, Troy and Kristin went to Babies-R-Us with us to help us register.  I had no idea what I would need, and I desperately needed the help of an experienced mommy.  When we arrived at the store, there was paper work to fill out.  I was excited to get to shopping.  So, Kristin and I went with her son Turner to preview the world of strange baby items: Boppies, Wub-a-nubs, Bumbos, Snoogles, etc.  Michael and Troy sat down at the registry table to fill out paperwork.  The lady looked at them, a bit puzzled, as she walked them through the questions.  She asked, “Will you be adopting?”  Woah! Wrong idea.  The lady thought Michael and Troy were registering for a kid together.  Ugh.  I will never forget this. 

After Karis’s arrival, I pretty much had everything I needed.  Here are some of the essentials: 
For the Hospital:
- Nursing Bra or Cami
- Boppy Pillow
- Baby wipes (the hospital didn’t have any!)
- Baby socks and mittens
- travel system (car seat/stroller)
At Home:
- At least one package of new born diapers (better to be prepared before and return them later if you don’t need them)
- LOTS of burp rags
- Medela bump
- a few baby bottles
- micro steam cleaning bags (Don’t stay up all night boiling bottles… learn from my mistake.)
- diaper gene
- bouncer or swing
- NEWBORN pacifiers (I didn’t realize they come in different sizes. Poor K sucked on a 3-6 month paci for about a week.)
- white noise machine (or radio turned to a static station)

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