Saturday, August 27, 2011


Lately, I've been craving adventure.  I guess it's because my physical activity was quite limited for nearly 9 months.  Now, I have to get it out of my system.  "Man Vs. Wild" has also added to this sudden desire for adventure.  Not that I want to camp inside of an igloo or pee in a thermos, but Bear Grylls gets to see some amazing landscapes.

A couple of summers ago, I got to hike in Colorado and Puerto Rico.  That was a wonderful summer!  The scenery in the mountains and the rain forest were unbelievable.  I want to see and experience something new.  Michael and I talked about backpacking Machu Picchu (it was surprisingly my idea), and now I can't get it out of my head.  My sister, Beka did it; so, she can give us some tips.  That trip may not happen within this year, since I'm nursing Karis.  ...but who knows.  Wait and see what adventures lie ahead for the Robersons!


  1. You will be back to big adventures before you know it! For now, enjoy burning the 800+ calories you're burning a day WITHOUT having to hike cross country or climb a mountain. ;)
